In the 8 years that I've been with Ubuntu4All, I have learned to be altruistic and have a keen willingness of learning even more about my surroundings. Ubuntu4All has helped me leave the comfort zone I was in and stopped me from future procrastination. My self-esteem has grown and I am more confident than I've ever been.
Nomuhle MtandanaBeneficiary
The GRIPP programme has helped me a lot. The one out of so many things I was taught is "patience". I came to understand the true meaning of "empathy". When I combined the two elements I am able to practice "tolerance" and realize that not everyone grows and reacts at the same pace. Some take longer than others. I have been equipped with various skills. I am now a loving and supportive father to my children. And most importantly I achieve so much confidence and self worth. When I am in a sticky situation, I am now able to react responsively and maturely
Malibongwe R QotyiweBeneficiary
Ubuntu4all as played a significant impact in my life and groomed me into the young leader that I am today. I am the product of the Gang Related Intervention and Prevention Programme. I am thankful for having found the Ubuntu program and changing the perspective that I had because I and many other youngsters have been indoctrinated by gang members. Having had this opportunity to be educated around gangsterism was the turning point in my life. The team at Ubuntu4All help me unlock skills I thought I never had. I received all the necessary support and more, though out my schooling career until I had matriculated. I will never be able to thank Ubuntu4All for everything they have done
Uzusiphe NkuzoBeneficiary