GRIPP; Gang Related Intervention & Prevention Programme

The objective of the Gang Programme is to address the overall impact gangsterism has on the lives of the youth (as an individual), family and the community at large

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Counselling Sessions

Our aim is to encourage and facilitate healthy relationships within the surrounding communities by offering support to adolescence, individuals and families who are struggling to cope with the communities uproars and life's challenges The client received various counselling intervention session such as: 1. Individual counselling sessions 2. Group Psychoeducational sessions 3. Family Intervention sessions 4. Family Support groups 4. Family Prevention Education sessions

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Skills Development

Our Skills development programme is focused on unemployed youth. Youth are in this case historically disadvantaged individuals between 18-35 years Old. We focus on skills development for youth because Of the extremely high unemployment rates in the Hout Bay community. Youth Often don't have access to tertiary education institutions and are sitting at home without work. By providing relevant skills we aim to give them a better chance to get a solid job.

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