
Changing Lives Together

Ubuntu4All focuses specifically on children who become entangled in street gangs. That is often dangerous work!

Based in the informal settlement of Imizamo Yethu in Hout Bay, Cape Town, Ubuntu4All facilitates and creates social, remedial and community based projects in the schools and surroundings. The team is directly involved in the schools and community on a daily basis with intervention, social instruction, remedial and social therapy programmes, as well as with all other forms of social economic assistance.

“I am because we are and we are because I am”

Ubuntu4All’s strength is to deal with the child, and young person’s challenges as it occurs. They don’t fit a child or a person into a programme. They fit the right programme and interventions around the child, or person, and his or her needs. Ubuntu4All believes in the implementation of a holistic approach. Ubuntu4All also believes in the principle of teamwork and family. They also know that they can not make a single difference without each other. Everybody plays a pivotal role in the lives of the children, their families and community.

GRIPP : Gang Related Intervention & Prevention Programme

The objective of the Gang Programme is to address the overall impact gangsterism has on the lives of the youth (as an individual), family and the community at large. The Gang Programme covers a 3 dimensional approach, which places greater focus on the positive development of the individual in connection to his/her identity, the value of positive friendships (peer support), and the link to a family support structure. The effectiveness of the Gang Related Intervention & Prevention Programme (GRIPP) is measured by the sociological and psychological investigation conducted to establish grounds for intervention, especially to combat the increase of violent behaviour in the youths involved in gangs. We recently started organizing camps with the separate gangs and in small groups and we had our first big camp (60 boys and girls from both gangs) to learn about the dynamics and guide them from choosing violence, towards making right choices that do not include violence. This work is very intense and very effective. We work together with Community Policing Forums, Youth Development Forum and members of the Imizamo Yethu community who are keeping control of the situation at the moment.
The formula that increases the effectiveness of GRIPP:
  • Building and strengthening a connection on a personal level (Introductory phase)
  • Work towards ensuring dual trust and family involvement (Secondary phase)
  • Engage with the community to ensure behavioural monitoring and evaluation (Exiting phase)

GRIPP; Gang Related Intervention & Prevention Programme

The objective of the Gang Programme is to address the overall impact gangsterism has on the lives of the youth (as an individual), family and the community at large

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Ubuntu Learning Factory

Our Ubuntu Learning Factory program is focused on unemployed youth with a basic entrepreneurial approach. Youth are in this case historically disadvantaged individuals between 18-35 years Old. We focus on basic home business development for youth because of the extremely high unemployment rates in the Hout Bay community. Youth often have access to tertiary education institutions but unable to attend due to various reasons and are sitting at home without work. By providing some of these relevant skills we aim to give them a better chance to generate an income and at a later stage, proceed into a formal job oppertunity.

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Counselling Sessions

Our aim is to encourage and facilitate healthy relationships within the surrounding communities by offering support children, youth and families who are struggling to cope with busy and demanding lifestyles and challenges that our modern families face on a daily basis. The client received various counselling intervention session such as: 1. Individual counselling sessions 2. Family Intervention sessions 3. Family Support groups 4. Family Empowerment sessions 5. Referral pathways

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Follow our us on: 
  1. YouTube channel           @ubuntu4all
  2. TikTok channel                @ubuntu4all
  3. Facebook page                @ubuntu4all
  4. Instagram page                @ubuntu4all

Donation Amount

  • Silikamva High School, Penzance Road, Penzance Estate (0.35 km) 7806 Hout Bay, South Africa
